The large HushFree L acoustic meeting pod is an ideal alternative to traditional conference rooms. It works great for larger business meetings, presentations, video meetings in a larger group or team meetings – both stationary and online. Design the interior yourself or choose ready-made table and sofas – two or four – and additional coffee tables. HushFree L allows you to hold meetings for 4-6 people, depending on the selected configuration, in extremely comfortable conditions.

Key Features
Class A soundproofing according to ISO 23351-1
Adjustable 2200-6500K LED lighting
Adjustable ventilation
Touch panel for adjustable lighting and ventilation
Upholstered internal walls
Height adjustable desk
Occupancy sensor
Optional room booking system
Integrated castors and levelling feet
Optional TV bracket
Optional internal furniture packs
Dimensions (WxDxH)
2210 x 2780 x 2300mm
